Learn about WebQuests:

Why WebQuests

What WebQuests Are (Really)

WebQuest Readings and Training Materials at San Diego State.

Look at some examples:

Searching for China

Does the Tiger Eat Its Cubs?

Ewe2: A WebQuest about Cloning

More examples:
at San Diego State University has been reorganized: search by title or curriculum.

Tom March
has compiled
with criteria for assessing "Best" WebQuests and some great examples. Look at the 7 Red Flags that describe how "some very promising learning activities fall just short of this mark," and consider some Other Activity Formats to use with web links.

Guidelines for designing WebQuests:

The WebQuest Design Process

The Idea Machine: brainstorm a suitable topic.

Use Filamentality to gather your links; consider other activity formats.

Janet Murray
March, 2007